A Brief Overview of Therapy Devices
Learn about commonly used therapy modalities, and which ones are beneficial to the body and ones that should be avoided.
Learn about commonly used therapy modalities, and which ones are beneficial to the body and ones that should be avoided.
Roaker, our 14-year-old Lab, was failing fast. After a terrible day of finding him in the morning unable to get up, laying in the split position in his waste, When I got him up, he fell over again, collapsing into the split position with his hind legs. This repeatedly happened with him trying to get […]
PSWT for Canine Arthritis.1
Canine Study using the PEMF (PSWT) Rings by Deborah Powell A total of 49 dogs completed the study, 26 in the treatment group and 23 in the placebo group. During the 14-day study, there were initially 11 more dogs, but they destroyed the ring by chewing them up. This reminds us to secure them […]
By: Nikki Alvin-Smith If you are puzzling over the use of PEMF as a therapy for use on horses, you are not alone. The process of directing powerful pulsed energy waves toward injury sites in your horse’s body is becoming increasingly popular, despite its expense and the questions that authorities such as the New York […]
* * PEMF Ring & Patch * * MCT Patch * * Arc Equine * * Price $35 – $55 $39.95 $399 24/7 Application Yes Yes No Frequency 27.1MHz 20Hz Various Auto Shut Off No No At 3 Hours Product Life 700 Hours Up to 500 Hours N/A Rechargeable No No Yes Low Battery […]
In May 2018, my mare Phoenix, a 10-12 year old grey Andalusian cross, had very sudden onset Uveitis. It was like one day she was fine and the next day she was bumping into things and jumping if I came up and touched her on her right side. Her pupil stopped responding to light and […]
What you should know before exposing yourself or your horse to PEMF Devices Based on the calls I get about pulsed electromagnetic field devices, there is a lack of information allowing users to make informed decisions and take the necessary precautionary measures to ensure safety. Electromagnetic products are not new to the horse world. Various […]