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Locating Lameness
Locate Lameness with the Precision MicroStim or MENS Miva Microcurrent Instruments Want to use the latest technology? Check out the Best-Vet Advanced Microcurrent Unit. There several reasons why a Precision MicroStim or a MENS microcurrent therapy device makes perfect sense to own. Anyone with one or more performance horses that are being shown rigorously, put […]

Tim Smith: Founder of Avazzia, Inc. & BEST Devices
The Avazzia Best-Vet device is a highly advanced therapy product engineered by Tim Smith. Smith was senior Vice-President of Engineering for Texas Instruments and designed and invented products now found in cell phones, military fighter jets, the Space Shuttle, and computers.

Pigeon Fever: One Horse Owner’s Story
While neighbors battle the outbreak for six weeks, self-selected “microcurrent” therapy eases symptoms in less than a week.
Electro Therapy Definitions
Electro-Acupuncture Characterized by applying small electrical impulses (milliampere or microampere) to specific acupuncture or trigger points on the body through acupuncture needles or with electro-stim handheld probes. The frequency of stimulation may vary from 1 to 1,000 Hz. Lower frequencies (1 to 20) are tonifying, whereas the higher frequencies (i.e. greater than 50) are more […]

Using the Mini Roller Electrode
Using the Mini roller with micro current on other parts of the body such as hips, shoulders, back and neck, is a great alternative to hand massage. More area is treated simultaneously because it is one part of a two part system. The Mini Roller is “talking” to where ever the other electrode is placed.
Matrix Therapy Products: Tips & Info for Equine Use
A few tips and information on using microcurrent to treat horses. Electrodes include pad electrodes, black carbon electrodes, silver knit, and more.

Full-Body Balancing Treatment
Treat Your Hand with Microcurrent to Benefit Your Whole Body.
About Joel Rossen, DVM
Dr. Rossen says he believes he was the first to treat horses with microcurrent. He was asked to come out to the central California race track and see if his microcurrent box could help the horses run faster.
Has your horse stopped using salt licks?
My horses used to regularly go through the salt licks purchased from my local feed stores. I usually kept both the plain and mineral salt blocks accessible at all times so the horses could take their pick. It was not until 2 years ago when acquiring a 22 year old Thoroughbred that refused to touch […]
Frequently asked questions about Redmond Salt
Where do Redmond products come from? Redmond, Utah which is located 150 miles south of Salt Lake City, UT. Why is Redmond Salt so unique? Redmond Salt is a natural mineral sea salt, left as a deposit from an ancient sea during the Jurassic period. The minerals from that sea were captured within the crystallizing salt rather […]
Using a Surface Thermometer with Laser Sighting
This is truly the gadget every one likes. Whenever I’m doing product demonstrations, it’s the surface thermometer that is the favorite toy. The last couple of years have brought down the price significantly along with instrument choices. My first offering was by Fluke, which is very well known electronics instrument builder and the model I […]

A Look at Iontophoresis for Horses
Iontophoresis, (pronounced: ion-to-for-ree-suss) is a fancy way of saying, “to transfer drugs through the skin using electrical current.” Iontophoresis also means ion transfer using current to repel water soluble medication into subcutaneous tissue. A limited amount of medications are considered phoresable.
Think Twice before using Shockwave Therapy
Think twice before you try shockwave therapy for your horses, learn about concerns.