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The Effects of Wildfire Smoke on our PNW Horses
By: Ashley Powers-Ross In the aftermath of the 2020 Wildfires, horse owners were stuck trying to figure out how best to support their horses. As Oregonians living in the Willamette Valley, we were not used to fires and evacuations or being blanketed with thick smoke for weeks. Vets weren’t sure what the long-term health outcomes […]

A Brief Overview of Therapy Devices
Learn about commonly used therapy modalities, and which ones are beneficial to the body and ones that should be avoided.

Microcurrent Units, GSR, and Equine Calibration by Deborah Powell
Since the original publication of this article, there have been updates in technology and units. Avazzia, Inc. developed the Best-Vet (and other units) that are advanced biofeedback microcurrent units. These units have been modified for equine (and other animal) use. The Avazzia Med-Best and other human units are not transferable to use on animals due to higher output levels that animals will not tolerate.

History of Microcurrent Devices in the US
The work complied in the book The Body Electric, by Robert O. Becker M.D., is a compilation of thirty years of his work. Dr. Becker, an orthopedic surgeon turned researcher, experimented on salamander and frog regeneration and his work proved electricity triggered healing.

Hoof Abscesses: Treated with MCT and Soaking Boot
This spring has been the perfect recipe for hoof abscesses due to the excessive rain and mud. As soon as CJ walked in from the pasture, dead lame on his right front, when he had been fine earlier, I knew the likely culprit was an abscess. Our farrier was scheduled to come to the barn […]

PEMF (PSWT) Ring Product Highlight
Many wonder why, as an outspoken zealot against some PEMF products, I carry the PEMF Ring. The answer is simple: It is low-powered and very subtle compared to the high-powered versions used on horses and even people. This tiny version lets you put the device right where support is needed for sore areas. This low […]

Electro-Acuscope Therapy for Treating Horses
The Electro-Acuscope is a brand name for one of many microcurrent instruments and has a companion instrument called the Myopulse. Later models are called Myoscope, Equiscope, and others. They were one of the first direct copies of the original microcurrent units marketed by Dr. Wing. Promoters of the Electro-Acuscope distanced themselves from this connection […]

VibraVM for COPD
VibraVM for COPD Helping Respiratory Issues and Equine Lung Health The VibraVM is an acoustic percussor with specialized sets of frequencies that sound like a musical instrument followed by a white noise massager setting. It is applied directly at the nostrils by holding it up to the horse’s nose. The VibraVM is an acoustic percussor […]

SoundWave Therapy
SoundWave Therapy SoundWave therapy devices offer quick and easy treatments that provide healing benefits for various conditions. Treating with a SoundWave device has a dramatic effect on reducing fresh swellings, hematomas, or edemas. Usually, swelling on any part of the body can be reduced with 2 to 3 treatments of around 10 to […]

PEMF Ring is Saving a 14 Year Old Labrador
Roaker, our 14-year-old Lab, was failing fast. After a terrible day of finding him in the morning unable to get up, laying in the split position in his waste, When I got him up, he fell over again, collapsing into the split position with his hind legs. This repeatedly happened with him trying to get […]

Pulsed Short Wave Therapy Study for Canine Arthritis
PSWT for Canine Arthritis.1

Canine Study using the PEMF (PSWT) Rings by Deborah Powell
Canine Study using the PEMF (PSWT) Rings by Deborah Powell A total of 49 dogs completed the study, 26 in the treatment group and 23 in the placebo group. During the 14-day study, there were initially 11 more dogs, but they destroyed the ring by chewing them up. This reminds us to secure them […]
VibraVM for Sinus Infections and Strangles
Sinuses infections in horses can develop into serious illness. First symptoms are a cough or snotty nose that turns into an infection. A prudent first measure is if a runny nose or cough last a couple days is to start checking the horse’s temperature. This small step can help prevent a contagious spread of viral […]

Best-Vet III Kit Comparison
Matrix BVIII Equine Kit (BV-III-E) Matrix BVIII, Back Pad & Leg Wrap Kit (BV3-BPLW) Matrix Platinum Kit(PlatinumS-Kit) Matrix Best-Vet III Device w/ 2 Unit Wires X X X Comb Electrode (E-Comb) X X X Clip Tote Bag X X X 2 AA Batteries X X X Soft Carry Case X X X Matrix […]

MicroPlus Kits Comparison
MircoPlus Kit (M-Micro-B) MircoPlus Equine Kit (M-Micro-E) Horse Gals Getting Started Kit (M-MicroGS) MicroPlus Unit X X X Unit Wires (5008) X X X Clip Tote Bag X X X 9 Volt Battery X X X Soft Carry X X X Matrix User Instructions & Tips X X X 4-Pack of 2×2” Pad […]

Vibra VM® Treatment Improves Quality of Life For Moonshine
By: Nikki Alvin-Smith Life takes it toll on horses and horse owners alike. As we age, our ability to move freely without pain from arthritis can be compromised. Vital organs become less efficient with the heart and lungs often weakening as the years’ pass, and their capacity to provide oxygen lessens. Allergens in our environment […]

The Magnetic Draw of Pulse Electro Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
By: Nikki Alvin-Smith If you are puzzling over the use of PEMF as a therapy for use on horses, you are not alone. The process of directing powerful pulsed energy waves toward injury sites in your horse’s body is becoming increasingly popular, despite its expense and the questions that authorities such as the New York […]

Matrix Wearables Comparison
* * PEMF Ring & Patch * * MCT Patch * * Arc Equine * * Price $35 – $55 $39.95 $399 24/7 Application Yes Yes No Frequency 27.1MHz 20Hz Various Auto Shut Off No No At 3 Hours Product Life 700 Hours Up to 500 Hours N/A Rechargeable No No Yes Low Battery […]

Using Microcurrent to Gain Trust of Rescue Horse
A rescue horse named Oliver was brought to me for therapy and training at the end of July 2019; when he arrived, he was extremely skeptical of anyone touching him other than his owner, who had owned him for about 2 years. When he was rescued from auction, no information was given about him, but […]

Sudden Onset Uveitis Treatment
In May 2018, my mare Phoenix, a 10-12 year old grey Andalusian cross, had very sudden onset Uveitis. It was like one day she was fine and the next day she was bumping into things and jumping if I came up and touched her on her right side. Her pupil stopped responding to light and […]

Cynthia’s Senior Dog “Feel Good” Method
We received a wonderful testimonial about our new Silver Knit Canine Cuffs. It brought up an excellent point of combining different therapies for maximum results. So, we thought we would share! “Thank you for designing and making the silver knit wraps for dogs. I love them! It makes it so much easier than fussing […]

Comparing the Features of the Best Vet III & MicroPlus Units
MicroPlus Best-Vet III w/ Comb Attachment Price 120.00 $1550.00 Number of Frequencies 5 40* Polarity Control Yes No Ability to Add Leg Wraps for Whole Body Integration Yes Yes Ability to Switch to Hand Tools Yes Yes Biofeedback for Tissue Assessing No Yes Real-Time Fascia Unwinding No Yes GSR (Skin Resistance Sensor) No Yes […]

A MicroCurrent Therapist: An Interview with Tracey Barrett Webb
By: Nikki Alvin Smith Tracey Barrett Webb is the wife of a veterinarian in Ocala, FL. Her husband, Brent Barrett, DVM, who specializes in equine podiatry, is also a proponent of microcurrent therapy. When did you first learn about the benefits of micro-current therapy? It was about fifteen years ago that I went to a […]

Microcurrent vs. Bemer
MicroPlus w/ Back Pad (MP-BP) BVIII w/ Back Pad (BVIII-BP) Bemer Blanket Price $905 $2279.00 $5,000 Frequency Selections 5 40* 2 Ability to add leg wraps for whole body integration Yes Yes No Ability to switch to hands-on tools Yes Yes No Biofeedback with Tissue Assessment […]

Thermotex Heated Infrared Therapy Blanket for Horses
The Thermotex Therapy Systems delivers gentle, deep-penetrating, and therapeutic infrared heat to the horse’s neck, back, shoulder, lung, barrel, and hip to relieve pain. After just 20 minutes of use, the soothing infrared wavelengths penetrate up to 2.36 inches into the applied area. This increases blood flow, which enhances the natural properties that the body […]

Book: Microcurrent for Horses
2nd Edition MicroCurrent for Horses (and other vital therapies you should know) By Deborah A. Powell MicroCurrent for Horses (and Other Vital Therapies You Should Know) by Deborah Powell focuses on low level electrical stimulation and other complementary therapies for improving injury recovery, reducing the injury recovery costs, injury prevention, and optimizing performance. It is a […]
VibraVM® vs. Nebulizers for Equine Respiratory Issues
The Nebulizer vs the Vibra VM: A Review of COPD Devices for horses (and other animals) The Nebulizer A Nebulizer is primarily a drug delivery device used to administer liquid medication into an extremely fine vapor to be inhaled by the horse to go directly into the lungs. Nebulizers are commonly used for horses with COPD […]
Comparing Microcurrent Devices for Equine and Canine Use
by Deborah Powell Updated 2023 Choosing a microcurrent device is often challenging because the features and pricing vary greatly. It is often confusing to sort out what product is right for your needs and budget, especially when you do not know the pros […]

Breathe Easier With The Right Therapy
By: Nikki Alvin-Smith The ability to take a deep, clean and richly oxygenated breath that translates through healthy lung tissue into the oxygenated blood we need to sustain our lives is something we take for granted until that moment when we can’t. This is a dilemma faced by hundreds of thousands of humans, horses and other […]

Soundwave Massage Treatment: A Sound Investment in Horse Health
By: Nikki Alvin-Smith (2018) Soundwave therapy may be the answer if you are a horse owner searching for a quick and easy massage application to soothe your sore horse and aid in his tissue or joint recovery. Horse owners are asking more frequently about an alternative to Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) due to their concerns […]